Saturday 20 July 2013

India -best tourist destination

Benefits of Travel Insurance

An important aspect of travel that is not covered in the package of travel expenses is that of travel insurance. Travel insurance in India plays an important role in the holiday plans made to India both by foreigners or Indians who are visiting India. It takes care to cover all expenses related to medical, theft and loss, accidental reasons.
There are several reasons because of which travel insurance becomes necessary in India.
  • Medical expenses – in case of sudden medical emergencies insurance will take care of all the cost coverage of hospitals and medicines costs. In some emergency cases surgeries can be done depending on the nature of the policy.
  • Loss of baggage – in this category the loss of important travel documents, money, and personal possessions are included.
  • Death and Overseas Funeral expenses – in case of accidental deaths that may occur and subsequent funeral services insurance coverage will take care of the expenditures.
  • Emergency evacuation or delayed departures – in case of expenditures that may be incurred due to an emergency evacuation before the scheduled date or delayed departures where the cost of tickets may be non refundable insurance coverage can be used.
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation – in case of serious illness and a dearth of adequate medical services
  • Legal Assistance – insurance cover can be used to meet expenses in case there is a need for legal assistance during one’s travel period.

Travel Insurance policies in India

  • Student Travel Insurance – This policy is specifically for those students who are traveling abroad for higher education purposes. An insurance cover is mandatory because of any emergency that may arise during the tenure of stay in a foreign land. This insurance coverage takes care of personal liabilities, personal medical expenses, loss of baggage or important documents.
  • Indian Overseas Travel Insurance – In this policy insurance coverage is provided in all aspects of an international travel plan. However it is compulsory for all travel plans to have an insurance coverage as per the regulations of most countries of the world. this insurance policy covers costs of repatriation, death and or personal accident, loss of documents and or personal belongings, medical expenses etc.
  • Domestic Travel Insurance – This policy takes care of all expenses incurred during domestic travels within the country. This insurance covers all expenses incurred on account of personal accidents, emergency hospitalization, loss or theft of baggage and belongings.
  • Single trip Insurance – This is a policy that covers for the period of travel of a single holiday.
  • Multi trip Insurance – This comes as an annual policy that can be taken by those who are frequent travelers. As part of the offer for a long term of the policy there are additional coverage that is provided as well as discounts are offered.

Medical Travel Insurance – In case of a businessman and his employees who travel abroad frequently a business travel insurance policy needs to be taken. This is a different policy as compared to the widely used group insurance policy. It covers specific business related losses and is thus important for such travelers.

States of India

Post independence in 1947, India has been divided into various states and union territories. There are as many as 28 States and another 7 Union Territories in India.

These States are further geographically divided into regions and divisions which are sub-divided into districts and various sub-divisions like villages, municipalities and sub-districts. The States and Union Territories are governed by Governors and Lieutenant-Governors, respectively.

From north to south or from east to west, history, culture, language, climate, dress, cuisine, fairs and festival and even physical features seem to vary in each state. 

Despite all these diversities, a note of harmony still runs through the states in India, binding them all into one nation. 

List of States of India along with their Capitals

Here is a list of various states of India along with their capital cities
28 States   
  1. Andhra Pradesh
  2. Arunachal Pradesh
  3. Assam
  4. Bihar
  5. Chhattisgarh
  6. Goa
  7. Gujarat
  8. Haryana
  9. Himachal Pradesh
  10. Jammu and Kashmir
  11. Jharkhand
  12. Karnataka
  13. Kerala
  14. Madhya Prades
  15. Maharashtra
  16. Manipur
  17. Meghalaya
  18. Mizoram
  19. Nagaland
  20. Odisha
  21. Punjab
  22. Rajasthan
  23. Sikkim
  24. Tamil Nadu
  25. Tripura
  26. Uttarakhand
  27. Uttar Pradesh
  28. West Bengal
Union Territories
  1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  2. Chandigarh
  3. The Government of NCT of Delhi
  4. Dadra and Nagar Haveli
  5. Daman and Diu
  6. Lakshadweep
  7. Puducherry

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